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포기 성명 영어로


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  • disclaimer
  • 포기    포기 a plant; a head ; a root. 풀 한 ~ one
  • 성명    성명 [姓名] (a) (full) name; one's family
  • 포기 성명서    disclaimer
  • 포기    포기 a plant; a head ; a root. 풀 한 ~ one plant. 배추 두 ~ two heads of cabbage. 국화의 ~를 나누다 separate the roots of a chrysanthemum. 배추 ~가 크다 The cabbage has a large head.포기 [抛棄] giving up; abandonment; res
  • 성명    성명 [姓名] (a) (full) name; one's family name and given name. ~ 부지의 사람 an unidentified person / a man whose name is unknown. ~(이) 없다 nameless / unknown / unrecognized. ~을 대다 give one's name / identify
  • 권리 포기    remise
  • 살포기    sprayer; sprinkler
  • 솔포기    솔포기 a small pine tree with thick branches.
  • 자기 포기    self-renunciation
  • 포기 넬슨    Foggy Nelson
  • 포기된    derelict
  • 포기자    abdicator; disclaimer
  • 남성명    Masculine given names
  • 변성명    변성명 [變姓名]1 [이름을 고침] changing one's (surname and given) name. ~하다 change one's name. 그는 홍길동으로 ~하고 있었다 He had changed his name to Hong Kil-tong.2 [가명] an assumed[a fictitious] name; a false name; [범죄인
  • 부인 성명    disclaimer
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